The 2022 Texas Global Faculty Research Seed Grants Are Now Open For Applications

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The 2022 Texas Global Faculty Research Seed Grants Are Now Open For Applications – If you’re a Texas resident who has recently completed their Ph.D., are an experienced professor, or are in the process of completing your Ph.D., you may be eligible to apply for one of The University of Texas at Austin’s Global Faculty Research Seed Grants.

These grants provide up to $25,000 in funding to help you with new research endeavors, and as long as you successfully complete your project, the funds will remain available to you over the course of two years—meaning that if your project keeps growing, so can your funding!

Who is eligible?

All faculty members at state universities are eligible to apply. Public research institutions in Texas include: University of Houston, Rice University, Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M University, Stephen F. Austin State University, Sam Houston State University and The University of North Texas System; these grant projects can be across multiple campuses if funded through an intermediary consortium (e.g., C3I2A) that has been established for promoting interaction between researchers from two or more campuses within a single university system. Public research institutions in other states are also eligible to apply if they partner with a public research institution in a state that is part of C3I2A.

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How do I apply?

The application period for grants begins on July 15, 2017 and ends on September 15, 2017. The completed applications must be received by 5:00 PM Central Time via email to with a subject line beginning with TGRSSG Grant Application in order to be considered. Applicants will receive a confirmation email from our office confirming receipt of their application materials and notifying them of where and when an award will be made if they are one of the recipients for that cycle.

Please note that UT System cannot provide legal advice or interpretation during any part of your interaction with us. Therefore, please ensure you understand all directions given to you throughout each step of this process prior to proceeding forward.

What are the benefits?

The main benefit of research seed grants is their role in identifying and supporting potentially transformative research projects. These projects may address national or global issues, such as new therapies for rare diseases, that are unlikely to be supported by traditional funding mechanisms.

This year’s competition also rewards innovative approaches to public engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration with partners outside of UT Austin. Additionally, even if you don’t receive an award, you can use your project summary and materials to inform future proposals to other sponsors. (Examples include local foundations, federal agencies, non-governmental organizations or corporations.) Finally, having these publications on your CV will demonstrate your scholarly record of achievement even before you have a tenure-track job.

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Is there a deadline?

Yes. All proposals must be submitted by October 1, 2022. Proposals will be accepted up until 5 pm on that date, so hurry and apply! The deadline is firm. We cannot accept any application after 5 pm (23:59) Central Time on October 1, 2022. The funding agency states that Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered for funding consideration in year 2022. This would indicate that even if we decide to fund a proposal submitted close to or after 5 pm on October 1, 2022, we would still need to wait until 2023 for funds to be available for research projects awarded in 2018 and beyond.

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