98 Scholarships to Study in Canada – How to Make Your Canadian Study Abroad Dreams Come True

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98 Scholarships to Study in Canada – If you’re looking to study abroad in Canada, it can be hard to know where to start. With over 150 universities and colleges across the country, it can be hard to figure out which school has the program that’s right for you and how you should pay for your Canadian studies. Luckily, many Canadian schools offer financial aid to students who want to study in Canada, including scholarships, bursaries, grants, and more that don’t have anything to do with Canadian government funding—and will help you leave debt-free after your study abroad program is over!

What you need to know about studying abroad

If you’re thinking about studying abroad, there are several things you need to know and do. First, make sure your major/area of study will be offered in Canada. Second, check with your school’s study abroad office—some schools have their own scholarships for students who want to spend a semester in another country. Finally, apply for any scholarships that seem relevant and appropriate for your situation. If you do all of these things diligently, chances are good that you’ll get money from somewhere!​

Where do I start?

To begin studying in Canada, you’ll need a study permit. To get one, you’ll need to be accepted by a school that is designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It’s important to note that CIC determines if a school qualifies as designated. The designation is valid for only two years and it can be revoked at any time. So, don’t choose your destination based on how quickly or easily you can get a permit! Qualifying schools must provide educational programs that lead toward an academic degree (in an area relevant to your field of study) or toward another recognized educational credential. They must also offer an English or French language program—or have arrangements with local language schools.

SEE: How to Get Scholarships in Canada for Undergraduates 2022


Define your study abroad plans

There are a few common ways students finance study abroad: scholarships, grants, loans and self-funding. You need a combination of these sources and your own savings to pay for study abroad. First, figure out how much money you’ll need and come up with a strategy to generate it. Depending on where you go and what you want to do while you’re there (and whether or not it requires specialized courses), it may cost more than $10,000-$12,000. The good news is that some loans are interest-free if used for education purposes – check your country’s education ministry for more information about such programs in your area. Scholarships will often cover full tuition costs in addition to airfare, accommodations and living expenses.

Research universities by location and subject

One of Canada’s best perks for international students is its large selection of world-class universities. You have options! Check out lists such as Quacquarelli Symonds or Times Higher Education, which rank top-notch schools like McGill University and Université de Montréal highly. Or, look at your interests: Do you want to live in a bustling city? Then head to Toronto. Or do you want something smaller with fewer distractions? Consider heading west (to Saskatoon, perhaps) or north (Vancouver Island). The point is that you should research schools based on what’s important to you—and your search will lead you right down a path toward tuition deals.

Create a list of programs, universities, and costs

Look for scholarships. Scholarships are essentially free money—meaning you get a chunk of change that doesn’t have to be paid back—to help offset some of your living expenses while studying abroad. Typically, scholarships require an essay and will ask you to explain why you should receive it (for more tips on writing winning scholarship essays, click here). Scholarship applications can be tedious, but they can also pay big rewards; there is definitely something in it for everyone with an interesting story or good grades. Once you’ve decided where you want to study abroad and when, figure out what aid is available for that time period through your school, outside organizations, and foreign governments.

SEE: Apply for Canadian Nurses Foundation Scholarships 2022-2023

Choose an application method that works for you

There are a number of application methods available for study abroad. Most U.S. colleges have an online portal with all of their international programs listed and available for review. You can apply directly through your school (which many students do, particularly if they’re still in high school). The third option is to use an agency, like AIESEC or CIEE, which basically act as a middleman between you and your host institution. Use whichever method you think works best for you; just make sure that it doesn’t take too long! You don’t want any complications with your application when you’re halfway across the world from home – unless there are unlimited Biergartens nearby, in which case go for it!

Take the tests necessary to prove your English proficiency level

Some colleges and universities in Canada require a test of English proficiency for admission. Check with your university or college of choice to see what language testing is required, if any. If you need some help preparing for a language exam, check out our other sections on TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge Exams. You can also find practice exams with explanations at EnglishExams.

Find ways to fund your study abroad trip

There are a variety of ways you can fund your overseas study. In addition to applying for scholarships, consider taking out a student loan. Depending on what country you’re studying in, you may be able to apply for a grant or other assistance while abroad as well. And if you’re worried about covering your costs while abroad, consider working as an intern or teaching English on top of your studies. Scholarships: No matter what type of degree program (if any) you’re currently enrolled in, it’s likely that there are organizations offering grants and awards for study abroad programs.

Contact the school’s current international students for information and advice

One of your best sources for information is someone who’s been in your shoes. International students you know can provide you with info on what it’s like to study there, how they were able to get a scholarship and financial aid, and advice on living in that country. Many schools have special clubs or organizations just for international students, where members can meet regularly and share their experiences. If your school doesn’t have one already, reach out to current international students—you might be surprised at how happy they are to help you!

SEE: Scholarships in USA for Foreign students 2022 

Get excited! It will be amazing!

Whether you’re doing an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, studying abroad is a fantastic and life-changing experience. There are many reasons why Canada is one of most popular study destinations in the world, so if you’re thinking about spending some time in our beautiful country, then look no further! This site is full of valuable information on scholarships for Canadians and how to find university programs that fit your needs. It also contains links to help you make your dreams come true!

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