Travel to USA With Jobs Waiting For You – Moving to the United States can be an intimidating experience, but it doesn’t have to be! With this guide, you’ll learn how to make your way across the pond, discover job opportunities in your area of expertise, and land the job you’ve always wanted! If you want to work in America, you can find opportunities in states like California, Texas, New York, Florida, and more. Get started today!
Work Visa vs. Non-Work Visa
If you’re moving to America for a job, your employer will need to apply for a work visa on your behalf. But what if you want to work and live in America, but don’t have an employer lined up?

Or maybe your current situation doesn’t allow you to stay in one place long enough to tie yourself down with a traditional employment agreement? In that case, getting a non-work US visa might be for you.
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Types of Visas
The first thing you need to decide is how long you’re planning on staying in America. If it’s a matter of months, you can probably just get an ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization), which allows citizens from 38 countries visa-free travel to America.
You do not have to apply for an actual visa; however, these types of visas expire after 90 days. In order to legally stay longer than that, you must enter under one of several different types of visas (also known as status).
These include:
Student Visa: If you plan on going to school in America and will be pursuing undergraduate or graduate studies at a school that requires F1 status, most universities will help you fill out your visa application.
They may even recommend local immigration attorneys and provide support throughout your entire process. There are also international student exchange programs through organizations like AFS Intercultural Programs and CIEE that allow students from many different countries around the world come study here for any length of time between one week and three years.
Temporary Jobs
Want a way to experience American culture and make some cash at the same time? Consider applying for a temporary job. The benefits are many: you’ll have time for permanent employment, you’ll get first-hand knowledge of what it takes to navigate American bureaucracy, and you’ll make connections with other potential employees and employers.
Temporary jobs will likely pay less than permanent ones, but they can be a springboard into your dream career in America!
Permanent Jobs
Although temporary jobs are great for making some extra cash, permanent jobs have a lot more long-term benefit.
The job market in America is huge, and it’s only getting bigger as more and more people realize that changing their lives isn’t impossible. In order to help you find a job in America, we’ve put together a list of common careers that can be pursued by foreign workers.
Of course, there are many more options available—this is just meant to be a starting point. If you have any questions or if you want us to consider adding another profession here, let us know at [email protected]!
H1B Visa Application Process
Applying for an H1B visa is typically a long and stressful process. However, once you understand exactly what is required of you, it becomes a lot less intimidating.
That said, many companies will not hire foreign workers unless they are already on a valid work visa; that’s why we encourage students to apply while they’re still in school.
Finding Temporary Jobs in the U.S.A.
Though it might seem like a strange way to make a living, finding temporary jobs in America is actually a great way for new immigrants and international students to find their feet and make some money while they look for a long-term career.
It’s also an excellent way of getting used to life in America and perfecting your English. After all, you won’t have time for classes when you have other responsibilities.
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Stay motivated while looking for jobs
The best way to get through a job search is with a strong sense of enthusiasm, flexibility and gratitude. This can be hard when looking for a job in another country or new city where you know no one, but it’s worth fighting for.
Be sure to write down all your strengths and skills so that you can remind yourself of them every day.