Facebook Level Up Program – this is what you need to know

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Facebook Level Up Program – Despite the popularity of Facebook and the many ways it can help your business, you may be unaware of some useful features that could help your business grow even more and reach more people. In fact, there are so many features that Facebook offers that are specifically designed to help businesses outgrow their competition, grow their brands, and take control of their social media marketing – you might be surprised at how little you know about them! The good news is, there’s a great way to learn about all these features – The Facebook Level Up Program. Read on to learn all about it!

A Step-by-Step Walkthrough

Facebook’s new Level Up program, available in conjunction with a marketing agency called The Resource Agency (TRA), offers companies an easy way to get Facebook followers and Facebook Likes. However, just because it’s quick and easy doesn’t mean it’s always effective. Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking about using Facebook’s new program

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Take Time to Choose the Best Niche

When launching a new Facebook ad campaign, it’s important to start with a target audience that is both relevant and interested in your product or service. To make sure you get off on the right foot, choose your niche carefully. A lot of businesses rush into starting an ad campaign before doing their research. Not only can doing so be expensive and time-consuming, but it can also seriously damage your brand if not done correctly.

Outline the Best Possible Post(s) You Can Create Section: List Hashtags That Work For The Niche You Chose

List Hashtags That Work For The Niche You Chose: #program #facebooklevelup #marketing #hacks #smallbusiness owners #entrepreneurs #socialmedia marketing #bloggers #productivity How To Write Your Post(s) Section: Write your post (s) based off of each outline above. Don’t forget to include a call-to-action at the end of each post! A Call-To-Action Should Include: Tell them where they can find more information and how they can get started. Provide your readers with a link that directs them back to your website or Facebook page, so they can get in touch with you for more information.

Draft a Strategic Content Schedule

When it comes to content creation, one of your biggest challenges will be figuring out how and when you should create new content. The easiest way to do that? Draft a strategic content schedule that outlines when you’ll share which pieces of content. This may mean creating a series of posts over time, or putting together a strategy for periodic publication (e.g., sharing educational articles at 3 p.m. on Thursdays). Once your content schedule is set, it’s just a matter of sticking with it!

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Grow Your Audience by Sharing Other People’s Posts

Make it a point to share posts from other blogs and sites, particularly when they have large followings. Not only will your fans benefit from your knowledge and experience, but they’ll also appreciate that you are sharing information with them. Encourage comments on your Facebook page, so that your followers feel involved in discussions and therefore feel more loyal to your brand. Use contests or giveaways to get people sharing photos of themselves using your products or thanking you for them, which will help give you added exposure on Facebook.

Customize Your Page’s Appearance

In order to personalize your page, it’s best practice to use page tabs and cover photos. Both of these options are found in your profile. They enable people to choose whether they want to see more about your company or your personal life (or both!). To make sure that Facebook users can easily find and interact with you and your content, remember that custom tabs must be navigated through a drop-down menu rather than clicking on an external link. Also, not all links are allowed on pages so double check before publishing!

SEE: What is a Facebook Metaverse?

Promote Your Page

When it comes to social media, your page is everything. It’s not just a profile picture and name—it’s a window into who you are and how your business operates. If you’re trying to decide whether or not setting up a Facebook page for your company is worth it, consider these facts: more than one billion people have profiles on Facebook; over 400 million of those users access Facebook from their mobile devices every month; and, 65% of marketers said that Facebook provides them with measurable results. That makes sense when considering that nearly half of all online traffic goes through Facebook in some way or another. As such, if there’s no business without customers, there’s no customers without social media presence.

Connect With Other Pages in Your Niche Section: Add Friends (Or Not!)

You’re going to want to connect with people and pages in your niche section of Facebook. You can either add friends or follow other pages that have similar content as yours. You might have noticed some of these pages and others in your newsfeed already. You can connect with them simply by navigating to their page through your newsfeed and liking a post or following them. With these new connections, try starting conversations and sharing some of your posts with them. They will likely share yours in return, increasing visibility of your work!

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